About Us

We can help Insha’Allah

Started and founded by Sheikh Ahmad Momoh who currently resides in Round Rock, Texas with his family. Read more about him.

For Islamic education, prayers, healing and family counselling

Our Services include:

Weekly Video Sermons

Videos uploaded every week to our YouTube channel for Islamic education and moral guidance.

Spirituality Clinic

A specialized clinic ran by the House of Du’a for those who need spiritual empowerment, guidance and divine intervention(DI).

Friends of the Masjid

A program aimed at promoting sustainable support for building and maintaining Islamic places of worship globally.


Naming ceremony for the newborn 7 days after birth.


The House of Du’a is a qualified distributor of zakat. Calculate your Zakat using our calculator.


Monthly Halaqah group forum for islamic guidance.

Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation must follow the Prophetic guidelines and traditions and done by a person with the knowledge and sound character.

Family counselling

For marriage, child bearing, divorce, dispute resolution & family joy and happiness.


Islamic socials for attainment of happiness.

Q & A Hotline

Find out more on how to receive a personalized session with Sheikh Ahmad Momoh.

What our community says

Learn about Allah from the best lecturers

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